
By Teasel

Evening Walk

It’s been a lovely day, all day, and no rain – hurrah! 
Work has been really busy – all day.  I met my new boss as soon as I got in this morning and was having a chat with her before I had even taken my jacket off.  She starts a week on Monday, and seems very nice.  I had no time for a lunch break today, which was very annoying.  When I got home, TT was making a pasta sauce.  Given I hadn’t moved all day, I told him to save me some, as I was going straight out for a walk in the evening sunshine.  It was lovely.
Once home I had my pasta,  then pottered.  Rather too late I remembered that I had a couple of things to finish off for work.  I had been thinking I would attend to them early tomorrow morning, but I realised too late, that that would not be possible, so I had to fire up my laptop and do a bit of  late night work.
I was very tired when I eventually got to bed.
This is a view from my evening walk.

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