
By suehutton

Symphonic Wind

At last, summer seems to have arrived but I'm not sure the warm, dry weather will last all week.

I put on a dinner to cook in the slow cooker while we went to Queen's Park for today's bandstand concert by the Loughborough Symphonic Wind Orchestra, one of the pantheon of Loughborough Concert Bands. They sound so much better outdoors than cooped up inside.

I rode on Cora, my new micro-scooter. I might not have reached my destination any faster but it was infinitely more comfortable than walking with my crutch. You should be able to spot her in the mid distance of the photo. Basil was very well behaved walking by my side and I was able to carry my haversack on my back and camera over my shoulder.

There wasn't really any need for the camera today as all the flowering plants have been pulled out of the flower beds ready for summer planting. The large containers still have plants but they are well over their best.

Lots of people attended. Many had come from the Gardeners' Fair which had been held in the marketplace. It's becoming a regular event.

Dinner had cooked by the time we got back home.

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