Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A perfect day...

....for golf. At last we had a perfect summer's day, bright sunshine all day, blue skies and about 23C. We spent the morning in the garden - Gavin planting the new plants we bought yesterday while I was directing and instructing, haha! I did lots of weeding and dead headed some roses. Gavin planted more lavender, a few more peonies, a few rudbeckia and some verbena. All things we have had in our garden before but they seem to have disappeared. I don't think our soil is very good, and because our house was a building site about 8 years ago there is still a lot of rubbish in the ground. We probably will be planting the same things again next year....

We went to the golf club for a light lunch - a prawn salad for me and a tuna wrap for Gavin - before teeing off at 2.30pm for 9 holes of golf. It was hot and I regretted not wearing shorts. The first two holes went wrong for me, but I gave myself a talking to and focused on what I have been taught at lessons, and the rest went well. We enjoyed playing and afterwards had a quick drink on the terrace before coming home - the drink naturally being a Gunners, which seems to be the normal thirst quenching post-golf drink. Xena was then taken for another walk.

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