
By Marionb

Another art show...

Today was cleaner day and it is best to be out of the house - so I made my hair appointment for the morning and then went down to our local art gallery to see the latest exhibit that was about to disappear.

It was the annual juried show of artwork by students from the community college in our area and a really interesting one. It featured paintings, charcoal and graphite drawings, as well as mixed media projects like a wolf mask, a video animation, a paper lotus made out of a Shakespeare textbook, a huge hanging butterfly.  

I was really impressed with the amount of talent on display. On the other hand, I was surprised to see that so many of the pieces exhibited were very "dark"...images of war, violence, vampires, scary nightmarish images and lots of blood.. and I went away wondering why; were those images their personal choice or were they themes assigned to them in class for them to interpret?... It bothered me a lot..and I wished I could hear each artist explain their work and why they chose that theme...and where the idea for those images came from ...

Not all of the art was like that though, and I have deliberately chosen some of those less disturbing images for a collage... ( extra) 

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