
By Marionb

What to Do...

...while waiting for the verdict .... and hoping it will be today....and it was.. (extra). Whew...can we now get on to world news? 

I watch most of my Live TV on my laptop, the advantage being that I can do more than one thing at once...heh heh...edit photos, do a jigsaw...while "watching" talking-heads programs on CNN. I have the audio and when I need the picture, it is only a click away. Heavens, I wouldn't want to miss the drama of BREAKING NEWS that was actually "breaking" that moment...  (I do tire of Breaking News in the evening when it "broke" in the morning...and is no longer "breaking" )

On a personal note... Earlier this week, I finally got around to booking a doctor appointment; I had a long list of ailments, aches, and pains...some old, some new.. that I want him to check out..I got the appointment within two days...which was pretty good...and today was the day. I had my appointment, got requisitions, went down the street to a lab and had a series of x-rays on my pelvis, hips and lumbar discs, an ECG, blood work and urine analysis all within 3 hours! Not bad...I have friends in other provinces who have to wait for such things; here, all those tests are walk-ins and all in one location. The only hold-up was that the x-ray department was busy and I had to sit for an hour waiting for my turn. I was told that my test results will be sent to my doctor in two days.

We all complain here in Ontario about the state of our health-care system, and rightly so, but when things do go well, it is important to acknowledge it. So, kudos today to my doctor and the lab.. It will be interesting to see now if those results actually make it to the doctor as advertised...

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