Light entertainment

By annejohn

Balloon dog

In flowers, in the Pop Art section. 

Having actually looked at the web pages I decided that the Fleurs de Villes show looked more interesting and less pretentious than it had last year, so went back first thing to look around. Some of the exhibits already needed to be refreshed, some of them were being worked on. Huge amounts of floral effort.  
The MG cars (in extras) were done up in artificial flowers: the state of the art in manufacturing these has improved drastically in the last few years and they are best thought of as expensive material for craft decoration. The yellow is an electric MG in which I sat; iconography in Chinese only, left hand drive version. 
Also had a pleasant conversation with the Napiers people who have a pop-up shop as part of the show. 

Out again in the afternoon to collect a wandering package; the post office had tried twice to deliver it when I was out so had redirected  it to Waverly post office. That led to a rather busy warm walk through bits of town. 

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