A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


During the mid-later stages of WW2 the various RADAR scientists and engineers were moved from the south coast into the requisitioned Malvern College private school.

To a certain extent, they are still in Malvern as a remnant of Qinetic.  Indeed, my first contact with Malvern was (what was then) the Royal Signal and Radar Establishment's sponsorship of my postgrad research.

One of the walks of the Malvern Walking Festival was around the various sites that were used for this research during the war.  It was also an opportunity to peer inside the private college buildings - far from my natural habitat.  Interesting tour, which included amongst other things the site of the first synchrotron (ref) which is now a slab of concrete between trees.

The physicist in me is busy considering how much residual radiation is leaking from I'm standing on... 

After the war the boffins decamped down the road to the vacated Royal Navy "HMS Duke" training base and it was still on that site when I was there.

The site is now a housing estate.  The physicist in me has taken notes...

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