
By hazelh

Tràigh na Beirigh, Uig, Lewis

We have made the most of our last full day on the Isle of Lewis. 

This morning we cycled back to the Bhaltos peninsula (and up the steep hill at Clibhe in one go, which I didn't manage on Sunday), then parked the bikes by a gate opposite the beach. From here we walked along the edge of a 'field' of rushes, then uphill past the three Viking* watermills to Loch Baravat. It's a long time since we have been here: on 28th July 2016 the trek was abandoned due an unfortunate bog incident

We found a superb sheltered spot overlooking the loch for our picnic - as did a few midges who decided that Mr hazelh was particularly delicious. 

We left our unwelcome lunchtime visitors to head back down to the beach and a lovely walk from one end to the other and back again, with a break in the middle for sunbathing perched in the rocks at the eastern end.

Our bike ride and walk set us up well for dinner this evening at the Uig Sands restaurant. After much discussion of transport options there and back, we opted for cycling. As ever, the meal was amazing. We both chose the same starter (Hebridean seafood chowder and sourdough) and pudding (dark chocolate mousse), Mr hazelh selected venison for his main course, and I had monkfish and langoustine scampi. The cycle ride back was magical in the evening summer light, mainly downhill, passing a herd of deer en route.

My main blip is of Tràigh na Beirigh. The extras are of the 'bottom' Viking water mill with its quern stone, and of Mr hazelh setting off for dinner in his smart clothes under his cycling jacket and our accommodation behind him.

*Viking = Viking design, not from the Viking period.

Exercise today: cycling (~13 miles), walking (~14k steps).

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