
By pensionspoet


Last weekend I took over the conservatory with various craft projects. If you are into crafting of any kind, you will know that there is never an ‘end’ to craft projects, but all of my stuff spread across the room eventually needed to be packed away. I had booked today off work, and finished a few of my projects (putting mice in frames, earrings on new mounts, and finishing some cards) this morning. Then I spent a good hour tidying it all away and returning the boxes to my room upstairs. However, it doesn’t end there, as I want to do some sewing so have brought my machine downstairs with a load of old fat quarters left over from ‘hut STUFF’ a few years ago. I hope to make a few simple cotton bags with the prettiest pieces.

I went to the allotment after lunch, where I fed Bessie and planted my 4 sweetcorn plants. That is all that grew from 12. Very annoying but seems to be the pattern this year. Getting things to germinate has been hard work. The grass is long again at the allotment but wet, so can’t be cut yet. Grass at home is also very long! It didn’t rain quite as much as it has been all week, but was cold and windy, and not at all like almost June.

We made delicious pizzas for 3 and then watched tv. I decided to write a few words, having hit my half way target earlier in the week, and managed another 1000. I am hoping I can remember what happens next, as I think I’m getting to the part of my book which I haven’t planned in as much detail as the first part and the end. But so far, I’ve had ideas, so I’m not worried. Only 39,000 words to go :-)

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