
By bgleyna

At The Top

I was too tired after our day in London yesterday to post a blip - we didn’t get back to the BK till 11pm and I collapsed into bed, but not before a nice hot shower to wash all the grime of the city off. This is a good camping site with free hot showers - no tokens required!

We went to London by train and had a great day being shown round the Houses of Parliament by Naomi, my niece who works there. She had the time to spend the day with us because Parliament is in recess and so work is slow. She did a fantastic job as tour guide and is obviously enjoying her work there.

One of the highlights was having lunch on a balcony above the Houses of Parliament with a rare view of London. Only people with a special pass such as Naomi can take members of the public up there!

We also walked through St James Park and saw lots of unusual water birds.

Then we met up with David’s niece, Katy who works at an Italian restaurant called Trullo. We had a wonderful dinner there and then caught the underground trains and overground trains back to Salisbury.

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