Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Flower power

This Mini looks great but a slight contradiction for a polluting vehicle to be covered in flowers. I absolutely hate driving in city centres and avoid it at all costs. Besides it's only £4 on the bus, petrol, parking etc would be about 2 or 3 times the amount.

I had to pop into meet a friend today to sort out some paperwork. I am not keen on cities, but after the serious stabbing a few days ago almost where the bus stops I felt really anxious today. I was glad to be on the bus and homeward bound. It was the street between the McDonalds and the other shop where it happened and the victim is still critical. 

My extra is of Beau. He saw me coming back and went nuts. We had a squeaky chicken tug of war and then he was zonked! It's always nice to have his cuddles and Jo to talk to when I get home instead of going straight into an empty house. It feels so much emptier when I come back than when I'm pottering around in the day time.

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