
By Dakers

RBGE, Rosslyn, Service. Busy Bees,

A rather late start to Thursday. Normally we leave for Pat’s Life Drawing at The Scottish Arts Club. Not this particular Thursday.

By the time a complete Greek dinner for six was packed in a cooler back complete with ice blocks, the events for the day had been rescheduled. 

Sonia was interested in visiting Rosslyn Chapel. Tickets have been purchased and a time slot agreed.  A visit to Costco is also a must. I have to book into to have a tyre replaced. Then a return to The Grange for Dinner.

We did manage although the order of events changed once or twice.

I did start a tour around the Botanic Gardens, concentrating on the Demonstration Garden fist of all. Sonia was very interested in the wide variety of herbs being grown, 

Too soon it was time to be on our way, leaving the Bees to their work. Sonia was astonished to learn she had seen less than 10% of the Gardens. 

Next visit, Perhaps.

I have shown a view of Rosslyn Chapel in an extra.

The Greek dinner was a complete success, and we arrived back home about midnight.

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