
By BGCoffee

A Day In London with the 2 Nieces

As always, good eventful days end up with too many photos to choose from.  I know this is yet another meal, but this had to be my main photo, despite the incredibly cute extra of the goose with her very recently hatched gosling and the magnificent building that is the Palace of Westminster. 

We traveled from Salisbury by train into Waterloo, which was a lovely change of pace for this camper van driver and arranged to meet under the iconic Waterloo "meeting" clock with Naomi.  From there, she used her magic entrance card to whisk us into the houses of parliament and we were able to tour Westminster Hall, The House of Commons, The House of Lords and Portcullis House.  I had no idea the House of Commons was so small.  The images on TV make the space seem so much bigger.  The House of Lords was much grander and full of ornate gold, including the monarch's throne.  All around we saw paintings and references to historical figures, even a string of facades high up in the House of Lords lobby of Henry VIII and all his wives.  In the corresponding commons lobby were stone statues of Lloyd George, Churchill, Atlee and Thatcher.

After a walk through St James's Park we headed over to Victoria Station for our underground trip to Highbury and Islington station, close to Trullo, the restaurant where my niece Katy works.  Our day was made by the fact that Katy was on the early shift and so was able to join us at her restaurant for dinner and the 2 nieces were able to get acquainted - they got on really well and it was gratifying to hear them converse while L and I enjoyed some fine Italian food.  Home on underground and train had us arriving finally by taxi after a tiring but satisfying day and yet another 18,000 steps!!

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