
By Wildwood

Henrietta Returns.

Nobody has seen her with babies this year but she doesn't hang around for as long as she was earlier so maybe she has some babies stashed away somewhere. I had to blow out the background because I was taking her picture against the light as she casually groomed herself on top of our porch railing. And I did like capturing our other regular visitor , Mr. Grey plundering the bird feeder in the background. The sun shining through his tail looks like an x-ray.

And speaking of turkeys...the biggest one of all was, as anybody not living under a rock knows by now, convicted today in New York (his home town) of all 34 felony counts of fraud with which he was charged. He couldn't seem to react other than to say everything was rigged and launch into some garbled campaign invective.  There will be an appeal, but for once, delay will not be his friend and it is unlikely that it can be heard and decided before November. And so the speculation, the parsing of terms, the reading of body language, the blatent lies will go on but at least if he is elected as a convicted criminal he won't be able to pardon himself.

My neighbor texted me and said what a  shameful terrible moment in American history this day is. I said I thought it was a pretty proud moment. Despite all the delaying and obfuscation, all the hateful language, our system of justice has proven that nobody is above the law. There will of course be an appeal and it will never end, but at least we have this moment to savor. 

I don't think it ever occurred to the Founding Fathers that they needed a clause in the Constitution saying that a convicted criminal couldn't run for president....

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