
By davidc

Abstract Thursday: "Colourful"

I like the fact that our sons often tease me about my blipping, and yesterday one of them messaged me about yesterday's (moderately abstract) Wide Wednesday blip of colourtful cotton reels to say, "Abstract Thursday on a Wednesday!? Be careful you don't anger the Blip Gods"! ;-))

So when we saw that today's AT challenge from Ingeborg is "colourful", my Editor suggested that I should photograph them again but this time make them properly abstract. So here's the same subject but photographed with Interntional Camera Movement.

More important: By my calculation this weekend we have the 400th Saturday since Admirer started tagging her Silly Saturday blips with a numbered tag (SilS1) - previously she'd tagged them as "silme". (I hope I'm right with my calculation but maybe perfect accuracy doesn't matter? - after all it's a silly challenge!)
I'm hosting again this month so please blip something silly, daft or just plain stupid to celebrate this milestone and to give us all a good giggle in Admirer's memory! The tags will be SilSJun2024 and/or SilS400.

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