
By Chrelizg21

Work in Progress

Went down to Bury St Edmunds today to collect the travel documentation for our Springer from the vet (the one who specialises in the documentation and does it for not much more than half the fee our own vet charges) so had a look at a couple of shops, had some lunch, and went for a short walk from the Abbey Gardens to the edge of town and back along the river path. The rain more-or-less held off.

The Blip shows the current stage of a sculpture being made out of a cherry tree stump in the Abbey Gardens. We first noticed it several weeks ago but had no idea what was planned, then a few weeks later it was enclosed in a gazebo and looked as if it had plumes at the top - maybe something to do with King/Saint Edmund?? - we asked a couple of the gardeners working nearby but they had no idea either! Obviously many people have become curious as there are now signs up explaining that it's planned as a celebration of the Oxlip, which is a rare member of the primrose/cowslip group, now only found in a few areas in West Suffolk. The sculptor is John Williams, and he expects to take about four months to complete the project. The main Blip shows detail of a group of flowers, while the extra shows the face which is beginning to appear on the other side of the trunk. Watch this space...

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