
By HareBrain


Is the theme for today's AbstractThursday, thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.  A few filters used to make my little Daisies in the garden even more colourful.  Originals in extra.

A few light showers this morning and then a beautiful afternoon.  Busy this morning:  attempted the ironing - failed, did all my June Birthday cards instead as we will be away for most of it and I can take them with me to post.  Hoovered, dusted and cleaned as we have guests coming round for dinner this evening.  C & K who are the friends we went away with last week to Wales.  K is off to New Zealand next week for 3 weeks.  She is from NZ but hasn't been home for a while so it will be lovely for her to catch up with some family and old friends.

Arm getting a little better from the covid jab yesterday but I had a rotten night's sleep, waking up about every hour.  Sure I'll have a better one tonight.

Extra:  Daisies

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