
By JohnW

Enter the skull . . .

Something that I have never been successful with is ICM.  In the past my attempts have been disastrous at best, so today I thought I would give it another try for Abstract Thursday.
Twenty-four  shots later I managed this one.  My geared tripod head came to the fore here, making the control of the movement relatively easy. The skull was one of Mrs W’s resin experiments.  I’ll have to have another go another day.
I had expected my efforts to be today’s ‘third trouble’ – they say they come in threes.  This morning I went shopping without my wallet.  Fortunately I went to the hardware shop first and had only one item from the shelves – if that had been the supermarket!  Try again tomorrow.
This afternoon I watched ‘Hellboy II’ which I had recorded a few nights ago.  I managed to watch the second half without missing the first half.  I didn’t notice until it had finished and it ended with credits and no second half.  I don’t think I will worry about watching the first half.  Not quite the same class of story line as ‘Lord of the Rings’ . . .
Many thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.

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