
By JanetMayes

Sprinkled and swept

This morning was dry and the men returned to sprinkle and sweep kiln dried sand into the cracks, the final touch to complete the patio, the access ramp, and the steps and path in front of the utility room door on the left of the photo. We are pleased: it's not spectacular or huge, but they have done a good, careful job and it all looks very neat and well finished. P unpacked the new table and discovered missing washers, so, frustratingly, that is delayed while washers are sent. Once the furniture is in place, I will assess our various pots and plants to see what might move there; and, as it's now a bit late to start much more from seed, perhaps look for something pretty and colourful to plant. Then there's the jungle on the left... That will take longer, but the mass of overgrown shrubs, which resprouted with such enthusiasm after last year's brutal pruning, clearly needs more than just pruning. I also want to plant a border in front of the wall to soften the lines and the red brick, perennials or perhaps some of my herbs. Dreaming is easy, allocating enough time to bring plans to fruition is hard, but the patio is done and we can look forward to lunches and barbecues.

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