
By KateH

No mow May

No Mow May is coming to an end on Friday, which is the scheduled day for the mowers to come.  The growth over the last week has been phenomenal and the yellow rattle I established the year before last is everywhere.  The main flowers on the lawn are Lesser Stitchwort and Sorrel and some ragwort is emerging - mainly along the fence line so we’ll have to clear away cuttings so the cows don’t eat them.  Unless it poisons deer (mean face).  

Up to London and picked up a ring from Wright and Teague before going to the office for the day.  Popped out to get Noemi a present at lunchtime and then read the new script from Ben H.   Good to see new work coming through.  

V had friends for lunch all day so I ate the leftovers and we tried to watch another Ripley but this time he fell asleep.  

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