Hosts with the mosts.
A right old jumble of a day, mainly truly wonderful with a touch of awful.
Wonderful things included;
- Terry at the ES coffee bringing me bovril from the UK so I can make winter soups drinks in my flask "to take on cold prayer walks." I felt SO loved...
- Immediate and extended family sharing lovely memories of my Nanny Violet in our WhatsApp chat. Today is her heavenly birthday. Gorgeous to read everyones special memories of her. Really warmed my heart all day.
- Beverly and Jonathan coming over. They lived here for a year about 7 years ago! Not only did they come over but they made us dinner!! Tuna steaks no less!
- Mitch coming for tea too...Beverly and Jonathan used to visit him in prison! So it was a lovely reunion and catch up.
- Nate overcoming a sensory fear.
Awful thing today was a lad being electrocuted whilst working on a house, up in Sa Penya whilst Danny and Marcial were up there for church. They just prayed prayed prayed whilst the medics and police did what they could. Extremely sad and tragic. And hard for the Roma community. It was on the street the little pavement church is on.
Today I'm grateful for;
1) Memories of Nanny.
2) Terry's kindness.
3) Beverly and Jonathan being here.
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