
By TonyG


I have been intending to try and make a few larger pieces.  There is a decent sized bowl in the kiln being bisque fired and today this happened!  Eleven inches across, although it will shrink by at least 10% by the time it is finished.  A good friend at pottery lent me a piece of tatting for the wonderful pattern, produced by rolling it into a large slab of rolled clay.  This then draped over a hump mould, with the challenge being to get the design central as the whole lot was inverted.   It has now been fettled to give a better edge and is drying at home.

A gentle day off.  Morning community session at pottery where the above was started and the second butterdish had it's last coats of glaze.  After lunch admin and a snooze before picking up the big dish from pottery, it was too sticky to transport earlier.  Cooked a tasty tea then a walk with the dogs at Rhydyronen where J, J & J got back from a day out as we came back down the lane.  Hot chocolates at dusk.

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