That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Butterfly Time

In anticipation of rain this afternoon we headed off early for the Botanics, just to see what was of interest. 

I was aware of other Blippers posting about the handkerchief trees, (tick) and rhododendrons (tick), Himalayan poppies (see extra) but no-one I noticed has mentioned Painted Lady butterflies. So here is a diptych of the one we watched feeding on catmint (Nepeta spp) beside the cottage. I chose to show the underside as well because it performed so nicely among the purple flowers.

After coffee and more wanderings we walked through Inverleith Park then down to Raeburn Place to investigate the charity shops, stopping partway along for filled rolls at Cafe Gallo, before catching our bus home.

Mr Flum had just finished mowing the lawn when the heavens opened, though any thunderstorm missed us completely.

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