That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Special visitor

It's all happening in the Flum wilderness of a garden - Springwatch has nothing on us.

Just look who came visiting today - one of the local fox cubs.  We have seen on the trail camera that it has siblings (how many, we could not tell) as the parent took them across the back of the garden but this came alone. I am tagging it for the Tiny Tuesday challenge as it really is tiny - the size of a small cat and very slim - I hope the host, Incredibish, will allow it. Photo taken through double glazing with an excitedly shaky hand, so some processing was necessary.

As an extra is the originally intended photo, of a pair of pigeons (?doves) who have taken over the garden, facing off all comers including a jackdaw (I am hoping to see them chase off the three carrion crows that are also claiming possession). This pair is quite content to display mutual affection, I managed a quick shot through the sunroom.

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