My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

End of an era

Today was Aaron's official last day at school


...he still has a few exams left but no more school everyday and it'll be on to college in September. 

Him and his friends decorated their shirts for their last day and I fully intended to get a picture of whatever they did to each other's shirts but apparently they weren't allowed to do that and if they want to sign each other's shirts they can do it at the leaver's breakfast on the morning of Prom.
So this is a picture Louisa took of him on his way out this morning. 

I really feel for Aaron and really proud of the way he's managed his way through school. His last couple of years off Primary School were messy with an array of substitute teachers, then it was off to Secondary School with none of his friends, then just as he'd settled in it was COVID time. It's definitely not been straightforward but he's done so well, even if he sometimes doesn't think so. 

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