Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess

The House of Dun

Near Montrose, where I met up with my old nursing pals, A, I and V. We go back all the way to 1979 where we trained together in The (old) Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and other associated hospitals, all of which have now closed. We were extremely lucky with the weather as it was warm and sunny, unlike only a little further south where it did the usual showers. We spent most of the time eating, drinking and blethering. I managed to do my (increasingly common) act of falling over, but as before (so far, anyway), managing not to do any real damage. I opted out of the short walk the others did because of that, but enjoyed just sitting in the sun and taking a few photos, including this one.

Here's a bit about it from the National Trust website, but I'm afraid we didn't take it very seriously and the only place we went inside was the cafe.

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