Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

The Red Wooden Brick

When my grandson was little, he used to play with many of the toys I had kept from my own children. Among them were wooden building bricks, or blocks. He really adored them!  This red triangular shape is one of them.

Yesterday, I had the painters over to repaint the ceiling and walls in my living room, including the wooden frames on the French windows.  I had to remove all personal items (not a mean feat) and they very kindly moved my furniture into the middle of the room: the heavy sideboard and couch. 
Besides dust, there were quite a few small treasures under the sideboard: lots of cat toys and this red wooden triangle which had certainly been there for at least thirteen or fourteen years! It's very low on the ground and too heavy for me to move.

So a sweet May memory for me today, remembering all the wonderful times I had with my grandson when he came to stay!  On this photo, I'm guessing he's about two and now he's a strapping lad of twenty-one!

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