Further my skills

By H0tamer

Gersprenz in Dieburg

We (D., T. and I) visited the Amtsgericht (District Court) in Dieburg today. Every 7 years the judge checks whether a person under guardianship still needs the guardianship and is also still happy with the situation. For us this was the first septannual after we were entrusted with the guardianship. The check was really quite easy. The hardest was to convince the GP to write a couple of lines about T.'s health situation. She doesn't go to see her GP, there is no chance that justifies that.

Afterwards we walked back to the car, strolling through the centre of Dieburg. A lot of old buildings and a lovely river. The tower left was built in 1220. The rivulet is the Gersprenz, with rapids at the right, and a fish ladder (in German called Fischaufstiegsanlage) at the left. By the way: the Gersprenz is split into 4 different rivulets/creeks before it enters Dieburg. All four branches join each other to become the main Gersprenz river again some kilometres behind Dieburg.

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