
By Teasel

Railway Path River

I was off today as it is a bank holiday.  TT was not off, so was at work.  To be honest the weather was rubbish, so I might as well have been at work. 
It was raining again, on top of overnight rain, and then we had some really heavy showers during the day.  I could hear the rain, so I didn’t get up very early.  I should have gone for a run, as I haven’t run all weekend, but I really didn’t fancy going out in the rain.  Instead I pottered, but did eventually go out for a walk to the river, stopping at St Mary’s Pleasance to shelter from a very heavy shower.  That resulted in a very nice chat with the gardener, who also sheltered from the rain.  I stopped off in the supermarket on my way home. 
When I was starting to think about lunch, BB appeared. 
Once the afternoon rain had gone off, I dragged home off the sofa and out for a walk.  We just did a local circuit and although the threat of rain was hanging over us, we both felt very overdressed with our rain coats on, as it was quite mild.  However, our walk home along the railway path didn’t quite go to plan.  Part of the path had been turned into a river, but we managed to get through that bit.  We then got to a bit that often floods, but you can usually get round it.  That wasn’t possible today as it was really flooded and quite deep.  There was no way we could get through without getting very wet, so we had to re-trace our steps and walk back along the road.   Once home, I had to take BB out to football, but not to play, only to get a final photo of the team – as their season is over and many will be going off to University, so they will not be playing together as a team again.  The end of an era.
It was then home for tea.  Part of BB’s birthday present was a Dishoom bacon naan kit, however he didn’t get up on time to have any breakfast yesterday. They were made tonight (I had egg) and we basically had an all-day breakfast for tea.  The boys loved it!
Later I started to think about tomorrow and back to work – at least it will only be a three day week for me.
This is BB trying not to get wet feet along the railway path this afternoon.

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