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By Puffin

The Last Birkett

Derek here invited us all for cake after the Tuesday Run if we joined him at the top of his last Birkett. He's been ticking them off for decades.
Most of you will not know that Birketts are the 541 Lake District summits descibed in Bill Birkett's "Complete Lakeland Fells" that he wrote in 1994. All the summits are over 1000'.  Here is Derek on Birch Fell , an obscure and wooded summit very near Gummers How. It was not the best day for ascending Gummers How and then Birch Fell. I took a photo of one of our group on Gummers How because I was very impressed she'd made it to top.  She had to have her ankle pinned some months ago  after breaking it orienteering. ( Extra) . We were all soaked when we got back to the carpark. Derek had thoughtfully provided a couple of tents for shelter  and very large slabs of cake to all.

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