
By pandieb


You never know, it might come out of the tin in some sort of recognisable shapes. It's mainly oats, nuts and seeds, with a tin of condensed milk thrown in to hold it all together. Better than the shop bought "breakfast bars" anyway.

Himself and I went to meet his brother for lunch today; it's his 'good' week in between rounds of chemotherapy and he wanted a bit of normality, plus its always nice to catch up. We ended up eating some lovely tapas up in South Kensington although M got very tired very quickly so it wasn't a prolonged meal. 

I then did a bit of tidying of the greenhouse ready to plant out my luffa plants (yes, the dried things you see in seaside shops for washing your back with) later. They're quite vigorous climbers and I only have a small greenhouse som I'm not really sure what's going to happen. Especially as it's already full of chilli plants Himself had a nap.

I also had a lovely phone call with the least weird person I know!

PS My heating has just come on! It's almost June!

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