
By MrsK277


No dip again today as still raining. So headed off to counselling in the car. It was pretty horrid with lots of tears, but I need to get it out. I feel angry which is not an emotion I like.
MrK rang as soon as it had finished and I felt loved again. I took myself off to Longacres garden centre for a coffee, more compost for my potatoes and trellis for the Clematis, and calmed.
I had some lunch at home, before the sun began to shine and Alison came over for what was supposed to be an afternoon of mindful crafting. She bought me these glorious Sweet Williams. She uses them alot in her posies. We didn't end up crafting, as 10 minutes into sitting in the garden, the drilling started...they're putting new stairs at the kitchen for the caterers. We decided on a walk in the park instead. Bumped into H and Amber and they walked with us too. It turned into a lovely afternoon....and I smiled again.
I took FK to Cadets. MrK was still working...night nets for the ladies team playing tomorrow. 
I made some more Angel Whispers for MrK's boys as they missed out at the start of the week.

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