
By JanetMayes

Queen Anne's Lace

I went out to the roadside hedgerow at teatime to photograph the elderflowers, which are larger and more lush than the ones in the garden, but kept being distracted by cow parsley. I love the delicate florets and leaves of this pretty variety which my mum called Queen Anne's Lace, one of the old names I try to help keep alive. My mum was a lacemaker, so it's a particularly nice connection with her. The fly, which I've not yet tried to identify, was a bonus which offered an additional focal point.

It's been a pleasant and reasonably productive day. I joined yoga online this morning, as my usual Thursday class no longer runs during school holidays, and found it a good class for me, challenging without being demoralising, and very calming. Later, I helped J to prepare ideas for a group activity tomorrow afternoon. Both her PAs are away this week, so I'll be supporting her with all her online activities as well as everything else. I'm trying to think of it as a kind of holiday, an excuse to let myself off some of the usual tasks.

This afternoon I continued with the potting on, settling the remaining tomatoes and all the aubergines in pots. They are healthy young plants, but the beds are not ready yet so it will be a while before they can be planted out. I also harvested plenty of rhubarb, cut down all of last year's parsley, which overwintered in the greenhouse but has now started to run to seed and will be dried, and carried some more pots of herbs up to the balcony. It was pleasant in the sun after a very wet morning, and I enjoyed the bank holiday peace before work on the patio continues tomorrow. 

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