Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

May the force be with you

Caption competition entries welcome. Mine would be "so I tried to push Boris’s head under water …"

An interesting but less than rigorous cross examination of Theresa May. The problem is that even though she stood down as PM only five years ago, the times since have been so awful and the corruption and idiocy under Johnson, Truss and Sunak so appalling, that her leadership almost seems a golden age by comparison. 

We also saw an excellent panel discussion about the Ukraine and in the evening saw Tim Peake, British astronaut on the ISS, giving a virtuoso performance when interviewed about his experiences in space. This is ground control to Major Tim …

Some nice in-between times doing silly shopping and eating and drinking. Did meet a fellow book club member and her daughter from back home in Surrey. They are here until Thursday too. Oh and spent an hour with a garrulous French woman. You always meet so many people at Hay. Everyone loves to talk. 

Good day.

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