
By amandoAlentejo

Blipperatti or Blipperazzi?

What is the collective noun for a bunch of Blippers together??

We met in Sutton Park for a walk, followed by lunch at Blackroot Bistro, and never stopped talking. Unfortunately, we were never all together for a group photo, as some left early and others arrived later, but here is one from the beginning of the meet, and here one of those who stayed for lunch, all of us in the extra.

Mine is of us on the muddy path between Blackroot and Keeper's Pools, in the dappled light under the trees, for which the Japanese have a specific word: komorebi - from a book I've just read, Japonisme, by Erin Niimi Longhurst. (Thanks, Felicity, much enjoyed.)

- the beauty of Sutton Park, and being able to enjoy it with other Blippers
- a feast at the home of an amazingly generous Brazilian/Ugandan family from our church (in extra)
- a calm evening in, so I could catch up on a few things (and write a better Blip)

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