
By Winsford


My usual Monday morning, or rather what I aspire to for  Monday mornings as it doesn't always happen in practice .... 

Anyhow I did some washing, did my yoga based conditioning exercises whilst listening to the Speak Gaelic Podcast (it lasts for half-an-hour and so encourages me to exercise for half-an-hour), went down to work at one of Community Gardens with FP for an hour or so (and by work I mean weeding, chatting to FP and chatting to passers-by) and then back up for my weekly Gaelic revision class. I am really enjoying these - the tutor is very good at structuring the opening conversation around this week's grammar point.  Today we spoke about swimming, dolphins, whales and sharks,  and ballet before looking at the past tense for regular verbs. 

After lunch T & I headed to Perth for a browse around the shops at St Catherine's. I got a bar stool for my shed - I'd been looking for one for a while but most were too bulky. 

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