Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Gardening chat

A drizzly start to the day, but it soon began to improve. Just as well, as this afternoon was a u3a Garden Group visit to a local garden where the owner had suggested a plant swap. I did a bit of searching round my pots and came up with a dozen plants which I thought I could spare!!

Mrs M drove me down as it was quite a heavy box, and there must have been about a dozen of us there. The garden is one I have driven or walked past many times, but because of the high hedge I had no idea what treasures lurked within. Quite small, but with a bank up behind the house and an amazing collection of shrubs and perennials, many of which are not often seen, around Oban anyway. Chris is obviously a keen plantswoman and outside her front door was a pot of the most beautiful orchids. I asked her if it was Dactylorrhiza elata, but she told me it was Dactylorrhiza foliosa, the Madeiran orchid. My Blip today.

We had a good hour and a half of plant chat and I managed to get rid of all my plants in return for just two. I thought that was pretty good going!

On the way back I passed a friend in her garden and that took care of another half-hour of mainly plant talk! A good afternoon all round.

Quote of the Day: 'I also like to garden. I grow things, vegetables, flowers . . . . I particularly like orchids. I raise orchids. -  Beau Bridges.

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