
By LincolnWarrior


A steady relaxed morning was had today before going out to take Julie to visit her Mum at the care home. A nice sunny morning but aw  we drove it looked like the rain was moving in. Thankfully the rain stayed away and the sun came back out.. So after dropping Julie at the care home I headed to Hartsholme park for a walk around and to search out a blip. A few little bits out enjoying the sunshine including this lovely Broad bodied Chaser . I did also spot a lovely deer stood watching me head on but as I lifted my camera it turned away and went back into the woods so not the best of shots in my extra.
Back to pick Julie up and then onto Sainsburys to do the weekly shopping . Back home  for late lunch and a relaxed rest of the day .
Today marks 11 years since I  posted my  1st Blip which was also a lovely bank holiday which was the start of a wonderful journey in the great community 

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