
By LincolnWarrior

Storming To Victory

Today we made the long journey over the country to watch Wigan away at Salford. A nice journey over until we got close to Manchester  where at times we was crawling along the motorway.

A great turnout of Wigan fans as normal but the atmosphere was nothing like last week in the cup. Wigan went in at halftime 18-0 up but they was very slow staring the 2nd half and then the weather changed as per the forecast and we had rain ,  hail and thunder and lightening so quite a mix My extra tries to capture the hail coming down which i think it does. My main shot is the final points of the game from a Wigan conversion and captures the ball going over the sticks  to give Wigan a 26 - 6 victory .
The drive home was again a mix of weather conditions which included a stop for tea at the services . Back home now and watching a recording of the other super league match that was played this afternoon  London V Hull KR and we will enjoy a few drinks as well this evening seeing as it a bank holiday weekend 

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