
By carliewired

70 F/ 21 C

A cloudy but an
unrainy day ahead - a 
day for paperwork


I was up cruising YouTube and having some rice pudding before 5 AM. The sky doesn't hold the promise of a sunny day, but I took myself off to Riverside Park at 6 AM. I like to beat the construction workers before they begin in the downtown. 

I parked near the railway bridge to have a look at the river as it continues to rise. 

 I had a close-up look at the Memorial of Hope, an art installation near the railway bridge from 2019. I've blipped this before in January 2021.
Many more locks have been added since then. There are lovers' commitments, dedications to individuals, little pieces of art and philosophical statements. It is an interesting spot at the edge of Riverside Park. 

I had a quick look around at the purple iris in bloom. Then, I caught a woman walking her dog in the park. I pointed out the signs that clearly said "No Dogs Allowed". She apologized knowing that I had taken a photo of her and the dog. 

I headed for home with some takeout breakfast. I have a service man coming to inspect my air conditioner today. I'm staying home. 

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