Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


...after sitting down with Mr. HCB on the patio to have a cup of coffee at 11.30, when he told me all he had done in the garden since he had been out there for the last 4 hours:

1.  Planted out the runner beans for them to grow up his contraptions - all grown from seed. 

2.  Planted out the climbing dwarf beans - also grown from seed.

3.  Planted out the spring onion “bottoms” - I read somewhere that instead of cutting off the root end and throwing them into the compost, if you put them into a container with some water, the roots would sprout and they could then be planted out.  The only glass I had was an expensive cut glass one, so hope that this “posh start” will have encouraged the growth!  You can see that the peas are also doing well in the second shot.  Hopefully we won't need to buy too many more spring onions from the supermarket.

4.  Planted out at least 8 chrysanthemums in the garden - he had already planted out 30 others on Saturday - cuttings taken from last year's plants.

5.  Planted out 3 courgettes (zucchini) - also grown from seed.

6.  Planted about 12 Nasturtiums between the beans to try and keep the black fly at bay.

7. Potted on 3 cucumber plants, grown from seed, as the first ones failed.

I realise that Mr. HCB works really hard in the garden but I did admit to him that I am feeling rather helpless at the moment, after over a year of inactivity in the garden.  He made all the right noises, but I have told him I want to paint the candle holders that are in the garden and then at least I will feel useful, so need to buy some small tester paint pots and get on with it.

Thank you so much for all your kind comments, stars and hearts - things are looking up and hopefully it won’t be too long before I am able to comment.  M xx 

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