
By MrsK277

Weekly toast

Lots of rain today, matched my mood. I'm starting to realise, when I have a high day, the next day is generally low. The trick is to keep an even keel. I realise I've been fitting too much in. I need to work on that again.
MrK had the day off, randomly, but had no plans. I had jobs to do...pick up shopping, Lathcoats, book our swim for next week, cleaning and my weekly meet with Carrie. We have coffee and toast...every week!
I like that constant.
I replied to one of MrK's lads who has been reflecting on our conversation at the wknd. MrK is working his 40th year for the club and when it was 30, the club put on an afternoon tea and presentation for him in the middle of a 4 day game. He was presented with a painting of himself in front of the pavilion which we have hanging in our front room. When I reminded his boss last week that it was 40years this year, he told me they'd offered him to ring the bell at the first game of the season, but he'd turned it down!! Luke agrees with me it needs more than that to celebrate, so I suggested he would be happy with a bbq and beers at ours with the boys and a few others. Luke is going to speak to the boss again. We'll see.

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