By greengirl

100 not out

I woke up several times in the night, thinking about Chris and Sarah on their run. The first bird began to sing at 3.18. I had a strange dream about a man giving birth to a baby. Finally I gave up on sleep and looked at their tracker on my phone - 70 miles done by 7am and they sent a photo of themselves looking all smiley :-)

We decided not to do the hill walk we had planned for today because we didn’t want to miss their finish. Instead we made a plan to walk in the Anagach woods outside Grantown on Spey and then Luke would meet them and run the final 12 miles as support. At the Grantown checkpoint, they stopped for a drink and a quick bite to eat and they both had very sore feet. Sarah said her feet were like one big blister…

Maria and I went to a dog friendly cafe for lunch, did a quick food shop and then went to pick up D and we drove to the finish. It was so exciting to see people finishing and everyone clapped and the dogs barked.

At 5pm Sarah, and Chris crossed the finish line. I am so proud of them both. They came home, soaked in the bath while I made a big pot of chilli and now are relaxing before bed. It’s about 40 hours since they last slept so I hope they can get some rest tonight.

There are still about 150 people out there walking the 100. Some won’t finish until the early hours of tomorrow morning. One legendary LDWA member, Len Fallick, is set to break the record for the most 100s completed by one person (42, and they only take place once a year - he is 81 years old)

len the Infallible-

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