
By maureen6002

Pen-Llyn Lusitanos

This time last year I could not have imagined attending a day long photography workshop - both because of health issues and lack of confidence. So I’m both thrilled and, admittedly, a little nervous, to arrive at Pen-Llyn Lusitano Stud for a Fine Art Equine Photography workshop with Jane of EJ Lazenby Photography. I’m pretty sure this will push me to my limits in terms of stamina, but I’m simply glad I can make it. 

Thankfully, it’s a fine day, sometimes sunnier than we would like it to be as photographing a pure white stallion in bright sunshine clearly brings its challenges.We’re presented with the most beautiful horses to photograph - Pure Raza Espanola and Portuguese Lusitano with big expressive eyes and long silky manes, some carrying  a pearlino gene making their coats seem metallic. You will all know just how much I love my Carneddau ponies - so it’s no surprise that I’m instantly in love with these beautiful creatures. 

Jane provides lights, backdrops and accessories for indoor shots - well the horses are inside but we’re not - while the stable girls work tirelessly to groom the horses to perfection and to move them subtly on her instructions. First there’s Duque and Tado, then later in the day, there’s Aslan, a beautiful white bedecked with flowers, and Alter, a stunning almost metallic gold. 

Outside in the paddock we have the thrill of watching the stallion Ozzy running free, his wild spirit clearly evident as we have stable hands acting as ‘protectors’ to move him back should he get too close. We’re told not to sit down incase we have to quickly move, and to bunch together should he head towards us - apparently he’ll avoid a large mass. Of course we’re safe, but there’s a definite thrill to see this powerful beast galloping towards us, swerving in good time. 

Then there’s the gorgeous dark Nico with the beautiful May - one of the stable hands who’s dressed in a stunning dress of red and gold. She rides and interacts with Nico beautifully, providing wonderful opportunities for shots. And finally there’s Verso who performs some ‘tricks’ for us, bowing, rearing, stepping. 

It’s all a fabulous experience. I feel very comfortable with the other photographers and there’s plenty of chatter during the lunch break. But after 6.5 hours and some 3,500 shots, I’m utterly exhausted, and decidedly grubby from sitting down on the floor of the stable yard and in the paddock - considered safe once Ozzy was safely back in his quarters. 

At 5.00pm I’m very pleased to see G has returned from his walk; I’m ready to go home  where I collapse on the sofa, eat a takeaway pizza, then go to bed! 

It’s going to take some time to go through all my shots, but I’ve managed some quick selection and editing for today’s blip. Of course, you know it’s going to be a set - with the usual difficulty of choosing a main. In the end, I go for Aslan, and there’s another one of him in extras. Then there’s the gorgeous May with Nico (I’m so tempted to use the last one of these as my main). Then there’s the wildness of Ozzy running free, then single shots of Duque, Tado and Alter - with a final mono of chief stable hand Jess with Tado, I just loved the interaction. 

Many thanks for your generous response to Bodnant’s Laburnum Arch! 

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