Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Y Is For Yew

That sounds odd but I'm hoping Y is for yew.
 If I've got it wrong I will soon be told and I've got a taxus baccata in Extras, just in case..

At the end of April we had a mini blipmeet with Kaybeei and Mrs Kaybee. Out of a bag he produced some turned gifts and this was one of them. I could have used it on occasions earlier in the alphabet but I saved it, hoping it is 
Yew (but with maybe a thuja lid)

What you can't tell from the blip is that it's about 2" across and nicely hollowed out inside.

The taxus baccata fastigiata is struggling through the no-mow May grass at the lodge.

For my ultimate Alphabet Challenge day tomorrow I had. a plan for but, plans change.

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