Oh dear
Joe came this morning with some large boulders in his trailer. W noted one had blood stains, and Joe showed us his bandaged finger - he says the nail has gone - ouch!!
Despite his war wounds, Joe lifted (with the digger) the boulders out of the trailer (1st extra), and positioned them in various beds, to our specification. He then loaded the digger onto the trailer, so we no longer have the big red garden ornament (2nd extra - I've included this because I like the view across the garden).
Joe had arrived so early we hadn't had breakfast, so after he'd gone we breakfasted. Then we set off to check out a tree nursery, taking a route new to us, crossing the River Barrow by ferry to Passage East (3rd extra). A satisfactory visit to the tree nursery saw us leaving with a Scots pine and a red hawthorn.
Then into Waterford, where the plan had been to park up and do a bit of shopping, before eating, then W had an appointment at the eye hospital at 4.30. Except the hospital rang as we were driving in and offered an earlier appointment, so we just had a late lunch - shopping will have to wait till another day.
We drove home in pouring rain, and it rained all evening - our newly planted trees will have appreciated it.
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