Living my dream

By Mima


I picked the final summer-sown carrots: all nine of them. They are only very slightly moth slug eaten. 

Once they were trimmed I grated them into a bowl, added finely chopped onion, olives and preserved lemons, and chilli flakes. Bingo! A quick Moroccan-style carrot salad for lunch. And it improves with age, so I am particularly looking forward to the final dollop in a few days' time.

It is sunny and blowing a hoolie from the southwest, which should dry the sheets quickly if they don't disappear into the wide blue yonder first. Everything is triple-pegged. 

The buttock pain returned with a vengeance when I got up this morning, but has now receded to almost nothing. Presumably the drugs are working up to a point. It encourages me to take it very easy. I am gobbling up reading books.

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