
By Max_Blazer

822 day of war

Hello, friends!

Thank you for the congratulations!

This week has been very intense. The situation on the front seems to be getting more serious. The authorities say that the enemy has significantly amassed resources and now has a tenfold human advantage. Against this backdrop, mobilization under wartime laws is increasing.

All men aged 18 to 60 are required to update their information at the military recruitment offices. The information must be updated within 2 months. If you do not update your information, you will receive a large fine and still have to update it. If you do not pay the fine, you will be imprisoned for 3 to 5 years. After updating the information, you are immediately sent to a commission, and within a few days, you are sent to the army.

These are quite serious measures taken by the authorities, and now the chances of avoiding the war have significantly decreased. It is almost impossible to prove unfitness at the commissions, as they take almost everyone. Yesterday, a friend of mine who has epilepsy was mobilized; he has all the necessary documents, but the recruitment office decided that he is completely fit for service.

I think a lot about the service, and what scares me the most is not even the direct combat actions, but just the living conditions and life among a large number of people, without the possibility of being alone. Even just being outside and communicating with strangers is quite overwhelming, and I simply cannot imagine how to live next to a bunch of people for years.

For now, I don't know what to do. I try to distract myself and think about it less, and learn more about what other acquaintances are planning to do. It's so strange when you realize that your life can completely change any day. I don't know how Nastya will live alone, how my absence will affect the cat, and what lies ahead for me. The longer the war goes on, the higher the price it exacts.

Emotions make it hard to understand how to act, and I don't want to make mistakes. So, I try to distract myself with work and walks. The weather is quite warm now, and we go to the forest for bike rides more often. We had big plans for the summer, and now I don't even know if we'll be able to realize them.
Challenging times also require difficult decisions. For now, I have no idea how to proceed, so I suppose I need to calm down and the decision will come
Whatever happens, I only hope that I can endure it, adapt, and not break.

Thank you all for your support, I believe we will manage to overcome this.

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