
By JennyOwen

Man on a mission

I've blipped briefly before about the collaborative project that's taking shape between Sheffield Photographic Society and the Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust.  The Trust would like a group of us to document its ongoing work on a hill farm that they recently bought, on the north-western edge of the city.  Their aim is to model nature-friendly farming, and to act as a hub for sharing ideas and projects with other small farms in the area.
We got late notice of an opportunity to pop up there this morning, to meet with Keith (pictured). Keith's a senior manager with the Trust, and is very keen to get some good images of a section of the farm where some work is likely to start in August, improving the area around a small stream.
The sun shone, and it was a delight to spend a few hours there. I came away with some useful images of the relevant area of land, as well as some insect photos that I enjoyed taking.  For instance, I got fascinated with these delicate creatures (extra), so beautifully camouflaged on a birch trunk.
After lunch we had a date in town with Frieda, Jack, Marianna and Simone. It's the end-of-term dance performance today for the dance centre where Frieda goes to a weekly class, at the City Hall no less.  There wasn't a dry eye in the house when F and the other little ones were on stage, looking a bit awestruck but still managing to do their short routine. Then we also enjoyed watching some of the older groups, doing more ambitious pieces.  No photography allowed during the performances though, for reasons that I completely understand.
Good times.

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