Billy Goat

By billygoat

Up the castle……

……and the creek.
Both of us started feeling rough yesterday evening and both had a bad night.
Up this morning and after a small breakfast we decided to go the station and check it out. Good job we did because they’ve cancelled our train tomorrow and replaced it with a bus. The same had happened today and 20 mins after the scheduled departure time there was no sign of the bus. We have a fixed ticket from Villach to Frankfurt and if we lose our connection will have pay several hundred euros to buy an alternative ticket on the day. The trouble is it is a Slovenian train to Villach and an Austrian train to Frankfurt and neither company will take responsibility. Our only choice is to get the train at 0724 which is allegedly running and wait 2 hours at Villach for our booked connection to Frankfurt. If no train or bus appears it looks like a 200 euro taxi ride…..

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